Feast of Blades '13

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Objective Placement Mind Games

Man its been awhile since I wrote an article, sorry guys.

Well while strolling through the halls 5 minutes ago, going through my usual pre tournament mind war since I have a big Dice Devil's 1750 tournament tommorrow which will be the first big test for my 1750 point list, I started to think of how sieze ground can screw an army over like mine....

....its a blast from the past tournament, so objectives need not apply I guess tommorrow, Cleanse Mission FTW!!! (who doesnt miss playing that mission that had a batrep in the front of the 3rd edition book? Ive read it like 50 times)

.....anyway back on topic. Everyone has an objective placement stradegy so I started to think about my stradegy for an objectives game. For Chaos, since I run my Khorne Blitz List, I try and put all but one objective inside my enemies deployment zone fairly clustered. Against razorwolf or leafblower Ill try and put one objective over on the other side of my opponents table edge behind some LOS blocking terrain to try and tempt one of his units over. I only ever stick one objective on my side (normally) and yet it will still be on the same half of the table the other objectives are clustered. I do this because I want him to clump up (preferably close to the middle of the table) so my khorne berzerkers can run up and punch nuts in. My defiler sits on this like a chicken on an egg with Oblits nearby. This tactic works fairly well and would work for any assault based army.

Now I started to think if I was playing razorspam or Mech IG how would I play sieze ground against my khorne blitz list? I started to think "What if I did the same Jerk objective format I use for my Khorne blitz list against itself and stack the objectives on my khorne opponents table edge?". This is where mind games come into play. The khorne player would have to either decide to sit back to hold objectives, wrecking his entire play style, and then getting alpha striked followed up by being moppped up by mass firepower, or run up and leave the massive clump of objectives unguarded. Now if an eldar player did this to me I would just quit...or reserve everything....Last second Serpant rushes suck...

The whole point I am making here is use objective placement to get your opponent to do what you want, or even better confuse and mess up his stradegy to the point where he messes up his game. Objectives can be a nasty mind game....Tzeentch would be proud...

...more on this later.......

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