Feast of Blades '13

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

40k Douchebagery: What Type of Player Constitutes this?

Salut mon amis...another post by me (blankly stares at the only guy in the comedy club in the back going woohoo)...

What is a douchebag in 40k? We constitute many things in this category but really it tends to vary a lot. In this article I'll go over what the different types of mind game players, since that is essentially the broader term for who may be a complete douchebag, or not...so lets get to it...

Does playing a netlist or a good army make you a douchebag? Now even I use to consider any and every Space Wolves player was my mortal enemy and a complete jerk....now to be fair they all really weren't I just didn't like the codex...not because I always lost to it (I am about .500 competitively against the Wolves) but because the player behind them had a mentality of superiority.....now my friend Marcus got flak n' dakka for starting GK but really he started it before they were thought to be good and he is a fluffy bunny who loves the GK fluff....and his other two armies are necrons and 'nids sow ho blames him....So does playing a good list or codex make you a douchebag? No, not at all, now taking a ard boyz leafblower to a fluffy bunny filled FLGS full of 15 year olds who never heard of a GT and doesnt know why his multi-colored all warrior necron army isn't good and smacking them all around just to win a 15 buck certificate and make kids cry as they leave the store can be....but thats an exception

Does staying strictly to the RAW and being picky about every single move and every single micrometer make you a douche (rules lawyering)? Now I did tend to be like this....I would be anal abut every single millimeter moved...every single scatter dice exactly how the arrow fell.....I felt very picky about the rules and played competitively in this way.. I even had one guy who was playing a daemon army on a table covered 50% by impassible terrain threaten to follow me home after the tournament because he wasnt following his scatters into the impassible terrains when it was obvious, but he was the greatest example of a douche for playing unsportsmanlike, read on later.... (why isnt that certain normally a Wolves player banned from the club for threatening my life? lol)......Although after racking up Black Matt, of Black Matt's Black Legion Blog and BFS fame, and getting him extremely angered towards me after saying his 3 termies wouldn't give him cover by standing in front of the side of a Land Raider as well as a few other things.....I thought to myself, "is it worth that one degree of scatter or one extra millimeter pissing off people?"....I stopped the game, apoligized expressing how I'd rather be friends with people than make them hate me...Then later on I became not so anal about the small things and we had an awesome game and were friendly....what was a case of bitter anger became a light hearted afair of laughing and fun, and I'm glad I did that...yet like a crack addict I still want to be anal about that extra inch....Anyway does this make someone a douche....well technically they are being anal about people following the rules of the game....my head says no but my heart says it can be overdone....It is really a context thing and situational.....verdict is up to the scenerio....

Does playing mind games make you a douche?...You know the player, the guy who sharply intakes a breath for every move you make.....who questions you after every move saying "are YOU SURE you wanna do that, I wouldnt".....Now it is a competitive game we play in the Tournament circuit....a little psycological (sorry spellcheck isn't working today)warfare can be a good thing...Yet like all things excess can be too much.....if intentionally made to piss someone off to throw them off thier game it can get out of hand....like the guy who just ridicules you from across the table and spits back "you mad?" after seeing you fuming....personally I wanna punch that guy int he face when I see him...but luckily that extreme of a player is extremely rare and will not survive...

Is being a chronic cheater or manipulator of the ignorant a douche? Do I really need to awnser this one? We have one at my local store who goes by the nickname Stewie (because he always tries to take over the world)....He is a known cheater and will cheat in every game he plays....or takes advantage of another player not knowing his rules...an ego maniac.... Everyone knows this and everyone avoids him....but the thing is even though this is his practice, and he jumped on every single bandwagon...he actually never wins.....karma makes me happy.....

Is playing unsportsmanlike make you a douche? Well in tis broad category I am talking about the player across from you trying to make sure he is not your friend and he is only here to win....WAAC as it is commonly known to us.....Yes this player is kind of a douche (see example above about that certain Wolves player)...These guys will stop at nothing to win and when they do win rub it in your face....you know this kind of player and no one likes them....let them love themselves as they sit alone after the tournament they won while everyone else goes over to Johnny Last Place's house for the after party without them

Collusion....manipulation....making sure you win by having someone throw a game....this makes you the ideal of all the above douche's.....this has no place in our game and I do not need to say anything else about it.....

Now it really all comes down to context.....Malicious intent is a required ingredient in my personal oppinion.....Everyone makes mistakes and everyone wants to win....but it can get too far....So any other things I missed that can make you a 40k Douche? ...more on this later...

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