Even with the picture below Blackmoore is off denying its complete exsistence...
now thats a cover....so anyway on to the real talk....
Out of left field we have Jeremy Vetock as our head writer who has only ever written fantasy books 9notably skaven with work on ogres and orcs/goblins) although he apparently has worked on some 40k stuff and has been around for quite a bit of time at GW as everything but a designer. Now if you know anything about this guy from skaven he loves wonky rules more so than Ward (probably where the Ward rumor came from). He admits this himself in past fantasy interviews....so is this a good thing? Maybe but we could possibley have some craziness that would make Ward blush. Also skaven is a very solid book, as well as ogres who are probably the top fantasy book. So this guy has helped make power codices before....interesting but we will see...
So the models look decent enough, we also have proof of inner circle/elite units and command squads for deathwing and ravenwing(sort of). Also the Dark Talon as well as the Land speeder are both real. Asmodai also appears back from the dead just as rumors said. But omg what the heck GDubs $75 for a flyer? ughhhhh they better not be extremely OP or I might need to sell a kidney to afford $225 for three models. Other than that $25 for the blisters is a little steep as well as $50 for the biker command squad....but at the least termies stay $50....still this is an expensive army to pick up....btw that speeder is ok, except for the back which is fairly ugly
Also it looks like Jan 5th was a false rumor as well, the pictures reveal Jan 12th as the release. I hope this leaves me enough time to use these guys at The Onslought GT at Templecon 2013.
Well unless we get another big codex leak like Chaos this is what we know now, Im glad I started the green stuff robes on my termies during recording last night with the 11th Company.....more on this later....
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